
AbOuT mY uNcLe FaIzUl AfZaN


I want to tell about my uncle faizul afzan from my school computer lab. he's a good teacher. You know why he like me, because when the happy teacher's day come..there's a show and Ustazah Zainun take me as her child and take my friend as her child too. she take uncle faizul afzan as my father. I must pretend to say to uncle faizul afzan 'let daddy back home'. I feel so shy but I can do it. Lot of my friend said to me that I can be an artist. show off. When I go into my school computer lab, he always joking at me, always. When I start talk bad thing, he gonna hit me but he loose..Y?..because I use my taekwando's tecnic. REALLY COOL!!. Ok..bye..salam,everyone!




Ahyana Solehah said...


hye lil cute 'Ahyana' =)

so fun to go tru ur blog. quite impressive!

ini rupanya 'Ahyana kecik' yang selalu dicritakan oleh uncle fatih ye.

dia selalu buli awak ke??hehe. lain kali boleh report kat akak. leh kita pakat buli balik.

ok, keep in touch my dear. =)

-Kak Ahyana-

Wala' said...
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Adibah Noor Terlalu Istimewa


BeAuTiFuL pIcTuRe..

BeAuTiFuL pIcTuRe..

6 T3xT 4 U

1) We Have To 'Make Hay While The Sun Shines' For Examination

2) Save Our Money Because 'Money Doesn't Grow On Trees'.

3)We Can't Give Up Because 'The Devil Looks After His Own'

4)We Shouldn't Waste Time Because 'Time Is Money'

5)We Must Work Together Because 'Many Hands Make Light Works'

6)We Must Be Kind For Peoples Because 'Kindness Begets Kindness'

SyDnEy,AuStRaLiA ^_^

SyDnEy,AuStRaLiA ^_^

me and my fwen Sarah Z.B.

me and my fwen Sarah Z.B.

OtHeR pOsT

salam semua..kalau nk tengok post len diminta lihat kat bawah post terakhir dan tekan older post..ada banyak lagi post2 lamer..salam..tq!