
My CuTe CaT..!


I take my cute cat from my aunty's house. Her mother born on the roof, then she left her kittens because she want to find food to her and her kittens. All her kittens get down from the roof without help. Her kittens is - 3 male and 1 female. 1 male is die after drink because it hurt too much. Then I take 3 kittens home. 1 female - grey / 1 male - grey / 1 male - black. A few days later, the black kitten is died because it sick. poor kitten. Then it left 2 kittens for me - Miki female/Kiki male. A few months later, when I want to go to a wedding, I hear something under the car..I was so scared and I look down..AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!KIIIIIIIKIIIIIII!!!!!!. there is more blood. I can't stop crying all day..poor cat. Then it left 1 cat only - Mimi. She still alive this year. ALHAMDULILLAH...bye..salam.




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Adibah Noor Terlalu Istimewa


BeAuTiFuL pIcTuRe..

BeAuTiFuL pIcTuRe..

6 T3xT 4 U

1) We Have To 'Make Hay While The Sun Shines' For Examination

2) Save Our Money Because 'Money Doesn't Grow On Trees'.

3)We Can't Give Up Because 'The Devil Looks After His Own'

4)We Shouldn't Waste Time Because 'Time Is Money'

5)We Must Work Together Because 'Many Hands Make Light Works'

6)We Must Be Kind For Peoples Because 'Kindness Begets Kindness'

SyDnEy,AuStRaLiA ^_^

SyDnEy,AuStRaLiA ^_^

me and my fwen Sarah Z.B.

me and my fwen Sarah Z.B.

OtHeR pOsT

salam semua..kalau nk tengok post len diminta lihat kat bawah post terakhir dan tekan older post..ada banyak lagi post2 lamer..salam..tq!